Relocating chronicles.

I think I like it, I think I love it. I am still not completely sure. 

I travelled to Lagos, Nigeria for my sisters wedding and decided to stay. It was a selfish decision that required no consultation. Yet I spoke to everyone about it, weighing pros and cons of home and home. #Nigeriaswinning became my signal of the decision I had made. Everyone here believes it's amazing and has all this great potential so I decided to stay and find out. 

My thing has always been, if you meet a man with potential, run far away. What is he still doing with it, if not exploring, expanding and developing his potential??? Why then should I settle for an entire country with "potential"? What have they done with it all this while? Why aren't they developing this potential? 

Anyway I moved back with the mission to explore, expand and develop this potential they all speak about. Also to enjoy my Nigeria to the fullest. 

2016 be good to me!

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