What my Valentine's Day weekend was like?

My friend and I decided to jet off to Jersey Island on a ladies trip for Valentine’s Day. You know how when you are single, Valentine's Day can remind you of all your failed relationships and make you sad and jealous? Well, my friend and I decided we weren't going to feel that way this year so we planned a trip to Jersey Island and we had the best time. Day 1 - We decided to relax in the hotel for the day then went for dinner in the evening, we had the best food and laughed all through dinner. I am not sure which day was more enjoyable but this day was pretty awesome. Enjoy!


 My dress - 
Asos link 

Shoes - Zara

Lipstick- Ruby woo

Mildred's dress- Virgos lounge in print / alternative
 Shoes - Asos

                                                                                                          *Make up: BeautybyMildred    
                                                                                                              *Photo cred: Mildred & Me :)

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